Unlocking Lasting Motivation: The Weight of Lack of Support in Entrepreneurship

Unlocking Lasting Motivation: The Weight of Lack of Support in Entrepreneurship

Is it really possible to "unlock" lasting motivation? 

I don't believe there to be a secret code that will provide you with motivation endlessly (and if you know of one....please contact me), but I do think there are things we can be conscious of when we feel it starting to slip.

Motivation can be described as a driving force that compels us to take action, start and finish projects, and pursue our desires, aspirations and dreams. It can create and sustain behaviors inside of us, steering us towards fulfilling needs, achieving desired outcomes, or pushing for personal growth and development. This force, or energy, comes from many places including but not limited to: personal values, interests and passion. It also comes from external factors like support, encouragement and recognition. 

I'm writing today about support and the weight of having it- or not in entrepreneurship. I write about this in the hopes that it could be comforting to anyone struggling with staying motivated while doing something they are passionate about and trying to create a business. 

You've probably read all the posts talking about how everyone thinks entrepreneurs and artists are crazy and how they will never support you until you have made it. I never applied that to myself. I knew a lot of my ideas were uncommon, maybe even a little far fetched, in my friend groups or amongst my family. I had never prepared myself for the real possibility that not everyone I love would believe in me the way that I believe in myself, or show up for me the way I would for them. And the ways that would impact me. I'd always thought you were supposed to find something you love and work really hard at it. It seems that message only applies to certain life paths that people want for you/are comfortable with. 

When there is a naysayer it can be simple/kind of fun at first to brush negative comments off and say "Yeah, Whatever. F*** you, I'm doing this and it's gonna be good." Hurtful comments I've received from important people to me include, "Your business is not real", "you don't know anything", "you're never going to make any money", "you are wasting your time", "this will never be more than a hobby", "you don't have enough orders for a shipping label printer,” "I thought this was a joke" and that I have no chance of supporting my lifestyle or ever paying my bills making a couple measly pieces of jewelry. The list goes on and on truly. 

Over time, these comments can add up, potentially eating at your motivation. The first thing to be conscious of: emotional humility. We are human- I would be more concerned if you had no feelings and nothing ever bothered you than if you let negativity discourage you at times. The second thing to be conscious of: rest. It is truth that to be successful you need to work harder than most others are willing. This doesn't mean never allowing yourself a break. If you don't give yourself periods of rest your body will force you to eventually. A night off doesn't count- I mean true rest to reach new inspirations, ideas and outlooks. I'm not great at this myself, so no judgement. I struggle largely to relax. The third thing to be conscious of: we create our realities, not those around us. No one is capable of diminishing a good idea with their words unless they are allowed to by owner of said idea. I really recommend the book Into the Magic Shop by Dr. James R Doty since we're on the topic of creating our own realities. Dr. James R Doty wrote such a moving story and dropped such serious knowledge about his journey with success against all odds with the help of manifestation. I've reread more times than I can count. Many of his thoughts shared became some of my cardinal rules. 

After all that darkness... lol... I have good news! For as many people that break your heart as you build your business, it only takes one believer to reignite the flame. This will happen more than once. I have been feeling unmotivated and unsure of my next move. Run down from working multiple jobs with customs running slower after a busy start to the year and no pieces for sale, unsure of where to move. Focus on social media to grow following? Take Pinterest super seriously? Pay for ads? I wanted to do this whole summer collection with a full campaign but I ended up just not feeling it. I decided to take a break from posting everyday and working on the website. Somewhat out of blue, I get a text from my friend/former assistant. We'll call her Kendall.

Kendall has always expressed major interest and support for my art, vision and business. She assisted me at markets when I was still doing them and took on way more than I asked her to. I figured I needed to find someone that liked and supported me enough to take the $100 bucks I was gonna give them to help me because I didn't know how I'd pull it off by myself. Kendall went above and beyond at markets making sales and sharing genuinely great ideas for growth both online and in person. She did way more than I asked her to do and she was truly invested/believed, taking action. She understood I couldn't pay her for all of the things she was interested in contributing to and was willing to help me anyways. This support meant more to me than I would have ever thought. 

That brings me back to the text.. I digress. Text reads, 

"Emmy!! I will be back from Europe on XYC date. I would love to meet up - I am thinking some major catching up and maybe a business chat if you would like some help with your jewelry business this summer and beyond? Could be a good time to start launching some new creative visions for the rest of the year. We can go to cutie coffee shop and thrift after??? Let me know" 

So yeah, pretty much my favorite text of all time?? First of all, so sweet and second, immediately inspiring. Right away got me thinking of other options for my summer collection/campaign rather than the original idea I ended up not liking. Before that text, I had been seeing other jewelry pages I follow for inspiration and feeling bad about the rut I was in. After that text, I began seeing the jewelry pages return to their inspiring ways. I immediately began updating my Pinterest business page, made a few low cost investments into materials and am making a push into a space I always wanted to be but didn't know how to get. With everything that has been going on in life lately, at times overwhelming seeming lack of support, and just exhaustion- I surely wasn't feeling motivated either. So thank you, Kendall for reigniting the flame. This is in no way a slight to the many others that have encouraged me or supported me thus far. This particular message just came at a time when I needed it. Many of you have reignited the flame at other points without ever knowing. 

So, I ask again: Is it really possible to "unlock" lasting motivation? 

I stand by the stance that no, there isn't a special formula or special fairy that delivers motivation to you everyday. You have to create it for yourself. There will be times where you find it hard to ; times you need to step away; times your feelings are hurt or you feel stuck. Being conscious of these ebbs and flows and trying to cut yourself some slack while you wait for the next flow is the key to unlocking "lasting" motivation. I struggle with the ebbs but I don't believe anyone has a truly perfect shield to fend off any emotion we wouldn't like to feel. (if you do though..... ;) I can honestly say that for every discouraging or hurtful comment I have received that created a shred of doubt, every one of them turned back into motivation the minute I remembered I had even one true supporter. 


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